Fallout shelter Wiki
For Beginners
Your First Vault
Mr Handy
Mysterious Stranger
Random Encounters
Athletics Room
Fitness Room
Game Room
Living Quarters
Nuclear Reactor
Nuka-Cola Bottler
Outfit Workshop
Overseers Office
Power Generator
Radio Studio
Science Lab
Storage Room
Theme Workshop
Vault Door
Water Purification
Water Treatment
Weapon Workshop
Weight Room
Common Pets
Rare Pets
Legendary Pets
Common Outfits
Rare Outfits
Legendary Outfits
Common Weapons
Rare Weapons
Legendary Weapons
Historical Data
News From The Vault
Journey to the Center of Vaultopolis
Another late start for day five and a second Vault

Today we find the very first Vaultec Vault, vault 001. Double-ot One as they call it. In order to properly preserve Historical Data (again Youtube videos) on all the adventures our Dwellers embark upon, a second vault had to be discovered. Once properly recorded the Historical Data can be sorted and added to the Vault library. Hopefully we will have our very own Overseers Office soon.

Jeff should be back soon. With no stimpacks or a gun he did the best he could. He did find a few outfits, an Officers Uniform and some Formal Wear. Once he returns there are some stimpacks waiting and with that and a gun in hand he should be back out to explore the wasteland.

Meanwhile... Back in Vault 111 training continues for our Dwellers to improve their management of Vault resources. Another mysterious Stranger was captured at the Vault entrance and again only a few hundred caps on him.

Our intrepid trio of adventurers are off to find Vaultopolis and any sign of Paula Plumbkin. Upon reaching our destination we are told we are in the wrong place and should journey up North.
On a final note we are happy to announce that the first of our historical data is available in the Vault Library. Check out the Journey to the Center of Vaultopolis.
Journey to the Center of Vaultopolis

At the end of day five, I am two Dwellers from 40 and 7 away from being able to upgrade the Weapons Workshop. Our Radio Station reached a Dweller today and we expect a few more tomorrow.