Fallout shelter Wiki
For Beginners
Your First Vault
Mr Handy
Mysterious Stranger
Random Encounters
Athletics Room
Fitness Room
Game Room
Living Quarters
Nuclear Reactor
Nuka-Cola Bottler
Outfit Workshop
Overseers Office
Power Generator
Radio Studio
Science Lab
Storage Room
Theme Workshop
Vault Door
Water Purification
Water Treatment
Weapon Workshop
Weight Room
Common Pets
Rare Pets
Legendary Pets
Common Outfits
Rare Outfits
Legendary Outfits
Common Weapons
Rare Weapons
Legendary Weapons
Historical Data
News From The Vault
Journey to the Center of Vaultopolis
Your First Vault

For your first vault you should keep it simple. Just a few single wide rooms until you have the population to make other rooms. The reason is, the more rooms you have the more energy you need. The more people you have the more food and water you need. If you expand too fast then you will not have power for the rooms. If your Diner or Water Treatment Plant shut down because of lack of power then you will not have food for the dwellers.
Keep it simple at the start.
At about 18 population

When you have about 18 for your population try to just keep food, water and energy for your Vault. Don't try to expand too much or spend caps on too many rooms. If you don't have enough people for a single room put one person to keep the rats out. Empty rooms sometimes attract radroaches easier. If you can maintain a double wide room that requires 4 people, with 2 or 3 because of their High Special keep it that way.
Your goal between 14 and 18 is to have a few children to increase the population because you can't have a Radio Station yet. Once the children are born they will need food, water. You need the correct people in the correct room so you can under staff rooms enough that you do not run out of resources until the children mature. That may mean having only one couple at a time in the living quarters but that's fine. Slow and steady means you don't run out of resources.
Once you have 22 Dwellers

After you reach 22 population your Vault should have a single wide Radio Station, the Overseer's Office and, more power, water, food, and storage. The Storage Rooms is mostly for holding junk for crafting weapons once you can build a Weapons Workshop.